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How does SingPass Identity Verification work? (Singapore only)

What is SingPass Identity Verification?

At Furpal, we’re continuously looking at new ways to improve the security of our Furpal community. By introducing identity verification for our users, this helps us to create a trusted community between owners and furfriends, and protect our users against fraudulent behaviour.


How does it work? 

Users can verify their identities to increase the credibility of their account by using the MyInfo service (login via SingPass). Follow these steps to verify your identity:

  • Go to the “Profile” tab

  • Select “Edit my profile” on your profile

  • Select “Verify your Identity”

  • Complete the process to receive a badge for verifying your identity

Do note that we will not be storing any NRIC/FIN numbers during the identity verification process. 


Is this available for all users?

This feature is only available for users based in Singapore.


What personal information will be provided when I verify my identity?

We will be retrieving information from MyInfo that contains your Principal Name, Date of Birth and Registered Address. 


Will this be in accordance with the revised guidelines on the collection of NRIC numbers?

We will not be storing any NRIC/FIN numbers through the identity verification process.


How will my information be used?

We take your privacy very seriously. The information you provide during this process is governed by our Privacy Policy and it is safely secured with us. The information you provide will be used to help us create a trusted marketplace and protect our users against fraudulent behaviour. Additionally, where required by applicable laws, we may provide information to government regulatory agencies to assist with criminal investigations. 


Will my information be shared with other Furpal users?

We will never share your information with anyone else who uses Furpal.


Is it definitely safe to transact with a user who has verified his/her identity?

Verification of identity for a user does not provide complete assurance that transacting with the user is safe. You are advised to protect yourself by following our Furpal Guide for transacting.


Can I withdraw my SingPass Identity Verification after performing the verification?

Users can freely choose to withdraw their SingPass Identity Verification by submitting a ticket to our customer support team at

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